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Top ten foods to maintain healthy hair.

 Our diet affects the health of our bodies, and since hair is part of the body, it is necessary to refer to the nutrients that fortify it in order to improve the health and appearance of hair. Let's learn about the top ten foods to maintain healthy hair:

1. Salmon to keep the shine:

Salmon, sardines, and mackerel are rich sources of omega-3, which is a type of healthy fatty acid that the body is unable to manufacture, as it is necessary to resort to external sources rich in it, such as fish or nutritional supplements. Omega-3 helps prevent many diseases, and plays an important role in hair growth and maintaining its luster and density.

2. Greek yogurt for increased growth:

Milk contains an abundant amount of protein, and protein is the cornerstone of cell formation. Pantothenic acid, known as vitamin B5 - which is an important component of milk - helps improve blood flow to the scalp, which in turn helps in hair growth, and its effect has been noted in treating hair loss and thinning, and what confirms the importance of this element is its presence in most care products Hair and skin.

3. Spinach to treat hair loss

Like other dark leafy greens, spinach contains many essential nutrients, including vitamin A, iron, beta-carotene, folate and vitamin C. These elements work together to improve scalp health, repair and moisturize damaged hair to avoid breakage. Cabbage is also a recommended vegetable to improve hair health and appearance.

4. Guava to prevent hair breakage

This tropical fruit is rich in vitamin C, and one cup contains 377 mg of this vitamin, and this is more than four times the minimum required per day, and introducing guava to the diet prevents hair from breakage and damage.

5. Iron to avoid hair loss

Low iron stores in the body may lead to constant hair loss, which prompts us to search for its sources. Replacing this element is not difficult, as it can be found in fortified cereals, legumes, lentils, soybeans or pasta, in addition to oysters and dark leafy greens, and beef - especially liver - is one of the richest sources of iron.

6. Protein for hair density and growth

Hair growth stops in cases of severe malnutrition, which is a defense mechanism of the body caused by the lack of protein in the food intake, and it is necessary to compensate for this deficiency by eating meat, especially chicken or turkey, because they contain less fat compared to beef or pork.

7. Sweet potato to maintain hair shine and vitality

Sweet potato is one of the most important sources of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that transforms within the body into vitamin A, which maintains the shine and moisture of the hair by stimulating the sebaceous glands in the scalp to secrete an oily liquid that protects the hair from drying out and gives it a decent appearance. You can eat carrots, pumpkin, watermelon and mangoes, which are also rich sources.

Top Ten Foods for Maintaining Healthy Hair - Fortifying Nutrients to Improve Hair Health and Appearance - Strengthen Hair and Maintain Its Look and Shine

8. Cinnamon to improve blood flow

Adding cinnamon to some foods and beverages is more than just a flavor, as it plays an important role in nourishing the hair, as it improves blood flow and contributes to the arrival of blood, including oxygen and other nutrients, to the hair follicle and hair follicles, which leads to healthy and vital hair.


9. Oysters to boost hair density

Zinc deficiency may cause hair loss and eyelashes as well, and because of the heavy dependence of hair-building cells on zinc, this element must be compensated by eating fortified zinc pills or by introducing beef or seafood rich in it - such as crab, crab, and shellfish - to the diet.

10. Eggs to increase growth

Eggs are a protective factor for the iron and protein stores in the body, in addition to being rich in biotin, which is one of the most important elements for hair and nails, and its deficiency may lead to hair loss and breakage of nails, so it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms of its deficiency and start to compensate for it directly.


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