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Showing posts from April, 2021

The daughter of aai

 Story about daughter of Aai Read Story:  Read

8 signs of vitamin deficiency you should know.

 Eating a balanced and nutritious diet has many benefits, while a diet that is poor in nutrients leads to a number of symptoms, which is the way your body reacts to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and recognizing them helps to adjust the appropriate diet for you. This article reviews the 8 most common signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency, and how to treat them. 1. Fragility of nails and hair Several factors may cause hair and nails fragility, such as a deficiency of biotin, or vitamin B7, which helps the body convert food into energy. Biotin deficiency is very rare, but if it occurs it causes hair loss and nail breakage. Other symptoms of biotin deficiency include: chronic fatigue, muscle pain, and cramping and tingling in the hands and feet. Risk factors include: pregnancy, smoking, heavy drinking, Crohn's disease, prolonged use of antibiotics and some anticonvulsant drugs. Eating raw egg white causes a lack of biotin, because it contains avidin, a protein that binds to

8 important facts about calcium.

 1- What is the importance of calcium for the body? Calcium plays a role in many major functions of your body, as your body uses calcium for circulation, muscle movement, and hormone production. Calcium is an important element for the health of bones and teeth as well, as it makes your bones strong and dense, and bones are the storehouse of calcium in the body, so if you do not get enough calcium from food, your body will replace the bone deficiency. 2- Your body does not produce calcium Your body depends on food to get enough calcium. Calcium-rich foods include:  Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.  White Beans.  sardine.  Calcium-fortified bread.  Grain.  Soy products.  Orange juice. 8 important facts about calcium - Calcium plays a role in many of your body's main functions - blood circulation, muscle movement and hormone secretion 3- Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium Your body's use of calcium-rich foods is very limited if your vitamin D leve

Interesting information about the force of gravity.

 The apple of Newton's eye and the axis of Einstein's work, gravity is weaker than you think, and stranger than you think. Here are 20 facts about one of the most famous physical forces in the universe: 1. (Obi-Wan Kenobi) The well-known character who appeared in the popular movie "Star Wars" said of the physical forces that they “surround us and penetrate us, but rather connect the galaxy together.” It is possible that he was talking about gravity. The attractive properties of this force hold the galaxy together, but it also penetrates us, expanding physically inside us, and binds us to the Earth.   2. Unlike other physical forces, with both luminous and dark sides, gravity is not dual in effect; Gravity only attracts, not repels. 3. NASA is trying to develop a Tractor beams that can move physical objects, a machine that creates attractive forces that outpace gravity. 4. Passengers on the roller coaster and the International Space Station are in hypogeic states - inc

Information and facts about iodine, what is iodine?

 Information and facts about iodine, which is one of the basic and essential elements for life. It is known for its vital role in the production of thyroid hormone in humans as well as in all other vertebrates. Iodine deficiency may lead to serious health problems, including goiter or an enlarged thyroid gland, and disability. Psychosis, and congenital iodine deficiency syndrome, or cretinism. Learn what iodine is and why it is important. What is iodine And iodine - as a pure element - is not a metal with a bright black-purple color of a solid nature under standard conditions, and it is one of the elements that sublimates (that is, turns from a solid state to a gaseous state without passing through a liquid state) easily to give purple smoke, and although it is not a metal, However, it does show some mineral properties. Iodine is classified within the halogens, which is a subset of the highly chemically reactive elements (group 17 in the periodic table), and are present in the environm

Is growing plants in artificial light possible?

   Plants can grow in artificial light, but the power of artificial light is not as strong as sunlight, and its red and blue light is weaker than that of sunlight. LED lights, which are especially used in indoor grow rooms, reduce the difference between artificial light and sunlight, and can help plants grow better. Plants have an extraordinary power - the process of photosynthesis - that allows them to make their food from starch. All you need is carbon dioxide and some water. To support these processes, the plant needs some energy that it gets from sunlight. Unfortunately, the sun does not shine completely throughout the year all over the planet, when at the poles in countries such as Iceland and Finland in the north, or in Antarctica in the south, the presence of the sun decreases to only 8 hours per day. Besides seasonal changes, cities pose a problem for houseplants, as tall buildings and skyscrapers can block dwellings from sunlight. So, we have to turn on the lights!   What do p

Does makeup harm the skin?

 Makeup is a basic purpose for some, and it is not negotiable for others, so does makeup harm our skin? There is no clear or specific answer, as it relates to the nature of a person's skin and the products they use. Most people cannot decide which makeup is right for them, with countless options: organic, natural, fragrance-free, for sensitive skin, paraben-free, and not predisposed to acne (acne). There are many options, but is one better than others? The term makeup describes a group of cosmetics used for the purpose of cosmetics, and includes products that cleanse, protect and treat skin and hair, and it is common in these days to use compounds for all of the above in one product, as they include makeup, sunscreen and skin care materials. Reducing the number of compounds may benefit people who suffer from stress, but it may complicate matters for some. Does makeup harm the skin - makeup that is organic, natural, fragrance-free, sensitive and paraben-free - cosmetics What does ma

What are the benefits of chewing food slowly?

 Food and eating is usually believed by many to be those processes and reactions that take place in the stomach and intestines, while the digestive process begins mainly in the mouth, with chewing. Chewing food makes it easier to digest by breaking it into smaller pieces, and it gives more time for food to mix with saliva, which increases the body's ability to extract all the possible nutrients in the food. The number of times needed to chew food varies depending on what the food is itself. Each food takes a certain number of times to break down and lose its hardness and structure, so that it is easier to digest. The average number of chewing times is approximately 32 times per bite, and the number of times decreases with eating soft and full of water, and foods that need more force to chew, such as steaks and nuts, may require chewing up to 40 times, and other foods such as watermelon need a number of times Much less, up to 10 or 15 times. Chewing food is the first step in the dig

Discovery of a wall of galaxies extending across the universe.

 Our universe is not restricted to scattered clusters of galaxies spread out in the expanding space at random. If we look closely, we will discover that these galaxies follow in their grouping minute structures and systems, and numbers of them cluster in huge clusters and groups that influence each other gravitally. One of these arc-shaped galaxy structures was recently discovered at the southern edge of the sky and is very massive and stretches 1.37 billion light-years from beginning to end. Its discoverers called it the "Antarctic Wall." Despite the enormity of the size of the Antarctic wall - one of the largest structures of space observed so far - we know its exact components. It consists of a row of galaxies that come together in a huge variety to form a separating boundary between the empty spaces in the cosmic space that collectively form the so-called "cosmic network." That is why it was called the wall. Scientists have also spotted walls similar to and larg