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Interesting information about the force of gravity.

 The apple of Newton's eye and the axis of Einstein's work, gravity is weaker than you think, and stranger than you think.

Here are 20 facts about one of the most famous physical forces in the universe:

1. (Obi-Wan Kenobi) The well-known character who appeared in the popular movie "Star Wars" said of the physical forces that they “surround us and penetrate us, but rather connect the galaxy together.” It is possible that he was talking about gravity.

The attractive properties of this force hold the galaxy together, but it also penetrates us, expanding physically inside us, and binds us to the Earth.


2. Unlike other physical forces, with both luminous and dark sides, gravity is not dual in effect; Gravity only attracts, not repels.

3. NASA is trying to develop a Tractor beams that can move physical objects, a machine that creates attractive forces that outpace gravity.

4. Passengers on the roller coaster and the International Space Station are in hypogeic states - incorrectly known as zero gravity - because they are falling at the same speed as their craft.

5. If there is a person weighing 680 Newtons on Earth, and if it is possible for this person to stand on the surface of Jupiter, then his weight will be 354 pounds, or 1600 Newtons on the surface of that giant gas planet. More mass means more gravity.

6. To escape the Earth's gravity, the object must travel at a speed of 7 miles per second, the escape velocity of our planet.

7. Gravity is the weakest of the four cosmic forces, the other three are: the electromagnetic force; The weak nuclear force, which governs the radiation of the atom; And the strong nuclear force, which binds the particles of the atom together.

8. A coin the size of a coin has enough electromagnetic force to overcome all of the Earth's gravity.

9. The apple did not collide with Newton's head, but it made him think if the force that made the apple fall to the ground was the same as the force responsible for the movement of the moon around the earth.

10. Newton’s apple led to the first inverse square law in science, (F = G * (mM) / r2), meaning that any object twice the distance would produce a quarter of attraction.

11. The law of inverse square of gravity also means that the extent of attraction resulting from the forces of gravity is - technically - infinite.

12. The other meaning of the word gravity - meaning something heavy or serious - came in the beginning from the Latin word “Gravis,” anything heavy.

13. The forces of gravity accelerate everything by the same amount, neglecting the weight. If you throw balls of the same size but different weights off the surface, they will fall to the ground at the same time.

The inertia of the heavier objects canceled out any additional velocity to outpace the lighter ones.

14. Einstein's theory of general relativity was the first to treat gravity as curvatures of the fabric of space-time, “the fabric that actually embodies the universe”.

15. Anything with mass causes a warp in the space-time fabric around it. In 2011, NASA's "gravitational probe" experiment showed the Earth's influence on the universe by the appearance of a warp around the Earth like a wooden ball on a cup of molasses, just as Einstein predicted.

16. When space-time is curved around the object, massive objects sometimes redirect light approaching them, just as a glass lens does.

The phenomenon of gravitational lensing can effectively enlarge distant galaxies or distort their shape into strange shapes.

17. “The Three Objects Problem” is the dilemma of determining the patterns of three bodies revolving around each other only if they are affected by the factor of gravity only. It has puzzled physicists for 300 years, so far 16 formulas of the solution have been found - 13 of which were discovered last March.

18. Although the other three forces of cosmic fit into quantum science - the science of things at a very small level - gravity still opposes any attempts to merge them with science; The quantum equation is broken if gravity is included.

How to reconcile the force of gravity and quantum physics is a problem that is considered one of the biggest problems in modern physics - and this issue is called: the search for a unified theory of everything, which is Einstein's dream.

19. To better understand gravity, scientists are looking for gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time that are produced by things like colliding black holes or exploding stars.

According to physical scientist Amber Stuver, a LIGO physicist.

20. When the organization does succeed in detecting gravitational waves, they can use it to look at the universe with unprecedented accuracy.

“Every time we search the universe in a new way, our understanding of everything in the universe changes” - you willover talk about gravity.


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