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The daughter of aai

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The daughter of aai

 Story about daughter of Aai Read Story:  Read

Ten amazing abilities are due to rare genetic mutations.

 10. No high cholesterol: While most of us worry about the amount of foods accused of raising blood cholesterol, we find some individuals are not affected by this issue, especially since they have a mutation that led to a deficiency in the gene PCSK9. After scientists discovered more than ten years ago how this deficiency affects blood cholesterol levels in some African Americans, companies created drugs that suppress this gene, and it was noticed after the experiments that this step reduced cholesterol by 75%. 9- HIV resistance: HIV is considered one of the most dangerous viruses that infect humans, but some individuals can resist it through a mutation that stops the action of the CCR5 protein, especially since the virus needs it to bind to the CD4 receptor and be able to enter the host's cells.   However, some types of this virus have generated other proteins that they use to enter cells. 8- Resistance to infection with malaria: Only people with sickle cell anemia can fight malar

How close are we humans to immortality?

 The question of human proximity to immortality has been and still is the focus of long and deep studies by different scholars and from different fields. However, a consensus has been reached by some of these experts and observers on the answer to this question. Scientist Ray Kurzweil and his followers all agree that humans are 20-25 years away from being able to live as long as they wish. But what will enable the inhabitants of the earth to achieve this? Kurzweil, one of those notable for observing human advances in recent history [read his book on technical singularity The Singularity Is Near], believes that the key to immortality is nanotechnology. Given the direction in which computers are evolving and are constantly getting smaller and more efficient, people will then be able to carry small robots in their veins to clean and provide permanent maintenance of blood and cells. Kurzweil also assumes that robots will replace our organs when they fail and become exhausted, and these dev