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Best food for every age group.


In the third decade

Most Americans eat an ample amount of protein that helps muscles build and form, but most need more of it.

Protein Rich Sources:

Lean red meat, fish and dairy products, as well as plant-based sources of protein such as: beans, lentils, nuts, grains and soybeans have the added benefit of having the fiber that young people need in their diet so much.

Carbohydrates "complex sugars"

Carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source, as this type of carbohydrate needs a longer time to be broken down and digested, and therefore it gives more energy and a sense of satiety for a longer period.


Beans, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread are rich sources of sugars.

Calcium-rich food

The best food for every age group - The types of foods to suit every age group - The food you should eat according to your age - The types of foods according to age

Calcium helps strengthen the bones and teeth, and it is very important in your twenties because the bones in this period reach their peak growth and strength.

Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and kefir (fermented milk with a fluid, low viscosity composition) and low-fat cheese are very rich sources of calcium.

And the previous foods contain other important nutrients such as protein, vitamin D and potassium.

Iron-rich food

Iron helps carry oxygen through the body's vessels and into tissues, providing them with energy.

Iron deficiency causes anemia, when the body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues of the body, and young women are more susceptible to iron deficiency.

Foods such as: beans, red meat, spinach, and raisins are rich sources of iron. However, iron supplements should not be taken without your doctor's advice.

In the fourth decade

Chinese cabbage

Most adults don't eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, so eating more of them is a good behavior.

Chinese cabbage is a good source of vitamins C and K, folate, selenium, beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A, antioxidants and quercetin in addition to magnesium, potassium and calcium, and it can be eaten roasted as a kind of change.

Oily fish

Omega-3 is a fatty acid that protects the brain and heart and is very important for pregnant and breastfeeding women and women in general in their fourth decade of life.

Fish that are low in mercury are great sources of omega-3s such as "canned or fresh" salmon, sardines and freshwater trout.

In the fifth decade

Fermented food «pickle»

The best food for every age group - The types of foods to suit every age group - The food you should eat according to your age - The types of foods according to age

The gut has a close relationship with the immune system and overall health, and this relationship increases in importance with age.

Pickled food that contains the beneficial bacteria in your gut, as well as eating food that nourishes these bacteria, helps keep your gut healthy and safe.

Yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi are a good source of beneficial bacteria. Onions, green onions, garlic, artichokes, and asparagus are good food sources for these bacteria.

Light fruits and vegetables

Dark and light colored fruits contain antioxidants that protect cells from any defects that may later lead to serious diseases such as cancers with age.


Fruits and vegetables - of all colors and types - provide the body with an amount of nutrients and provide the foundations for building good health in your later life.

Whole grains

Whole grains are a good source of fiber, keep you feeling full for longer, and are an important part of a healthy balanced diet.

Most whole grains contain added value from nutrients.

In the sixth decade

Vegetables are high in fiber

Eating fiber helps maintain the body's order, which is important with age, and this is what high-fiber vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and cabbage do, in addition to containing water, which makes the fiber perform its role better.


The best food for every age group - The types of foods to suit every age group - The food you should eat according to your age - The types of foods according to age

Studies have shown that turmeric extract relieves pain and other problems associated with osteoarthritis, which is a common type of arthritis that usually begins after the age of 50 and affects the hands, hips and knees.

Scientists are continuing their experiments to find out whether turmeric extract has the ability to lower cholesterol and treat depression?

Turmeric can be added to vegetables and meats such as chicken and fish, or used as an ingredient in a seasoning mixture. There are also recipes for turmeric tea.

Vegetable protein

Relying on plant protein instead of animal protein reduces the amount of saturated fats in the diet and thus reduces high cholesterol levels and heart disease.

Beans and lentils provide the body with magnesium, potassium, iron, folate, and fiber and help protect cells.

You can add crushed tofu (tofu is a protein-rich Japanese food made from soybeans) or nuts to get the flavor of meat.


Eggs are the best food source for choline, a nutrient that the body needs to carry out important functions such as memory, muscle control, mood balance, and digestion of fats.

Men older than 50 need 550 mg a day, women need 425 mg a day, but most people take less.

In the seventh decade and up

olive oil

Heart health is of paramount importance with age, and olive oil is an excellent source of unsaturated fats that help protect the heart and brain.

Adding some of it gives a distinctive flavor to the food. You can prepare a meal of vegetables, herbs or spices with olive oil and put it in the oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 25-30 minutes.


The best food for every age group - The types of foods to suit every age group - The food you should eat according to your age - The types of foods according to age

Strawberries and cherries are rich sources of anthocyanins, a "pigment" that helps reduce blood pressure and maintain the health of blood vessels. They are also natural sweeteners and contain a low percentage of sugar, so try to eat strawberries and cherries at least two or three times a week.


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