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Boil or pimple ... How do I differentiate between them? What are the methods of treatment?


All the bumps and injuries may appear on the skin, and sometimes when you notice a specific bump, you may not be able to determine what it is immediately, as any bump on the head is white or red, it may be a pimple or a boil, as they look similar.

Read this article to distinguish a pimple from a boil, and learn how to treat both of them.

Symptoms of the appearance of pimples and boils

Pimples are one of the most common skin diseases, and at any given time more than 50 million Americans suffer from these pimples.

Pimples come in different shapes, sizes, and types. They usually appear on the face, but they may also appear on the neck, back, shoulder, and chest.


There are several types of pimples, and they each appear differently:

 Blackheads: They form on the surface of the skin and are open from the top, and appear black due to visible dirt and dead skin inside.

 Whiteheads: They are found deeper than the previous one in the skin, closed at the top and filled with pus that gives it a white color, which is a sticky mixture of leukocytes and germs.

 Papules: These are larger, and are pink or red bruises that are hard and painful to the touch.

 Blister: a red, inflamed bump filled with pus.

 Nodes: tough bumps that are found deep inside the skin.

 Cysts: They are large, tender, and filled with pus.

When a pimple is gone, it may leave a black spot on the skin, and acne can sometimes leave a permanent scar, especially if you pop it or remove it from your skin.

The boil is a red, swollen, reddish bump on the outside that gradually fills with pus and grows larger, that appears in places of sweating or places where clothes rub against, along with skin such as the face, neck, armpits, buttocks, and groin. Several boils may cluster together to form what is known as a carbuncle. They are painful and may leave a permanent mark and sometimes cause flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, fever and chills.

A comparison between a pimple and a dimple

A comparison between a pimple and a dimple

the reasons

Pimples begin in the pores, which are tiny openings of the hair follicles in the skin, and these openings may be filled with dead skin cells, forming a tampon that traps oils, germs and dirt inside them. Germs lead to swelling and redness of the pores, and pimples may sometimes fill with pus.

Boils begin to form from hair follicles as well, due to Staphylococcus aureus germs attached to the surface of the skin, and these germs sometimes enter the hair follicles, causing infection, and their entry facilitates the presence of a scratch or an open wound.


Risk factors

Pimples may sometimes be associated with the age of adolescence, but they can appear at any age, and their appearance increases in young adults. For example, the risk of pimples may be increased when hormonal changes occur during puberty, pregnancy, or when starting or stopping birth control pills. The rise in male hormones in both sexes stimulates the skin to produce more oils.

Other causes that cause pimples:

 Take certain medications, such as steroids, anti-seizure medication, or lithium.

 Eat some foods such as dairy and foods rich in carbohydrates.

 Using cosmetics that cause blackheads and close pores.

 Exposure to stress.

 Parents suffering from acne as it tends to run in families.

A boil may appear in anyone, but it is common in adolescents and young adults, especially males. Other risk factors include:

 Diabetes, which makes a person more susceptible to disease.

 Sharing personal items such as a towel or razors with others.

 Eczema infection.

 Weak immunity.

People who have acne are more likely to develop boils as well.

doctor consultation

A dermatologist treats skin problems such as pimples and boils, and you should visit a doctor when:

 The presence of many pimples.

 Not getting benefit from over-the-counter treatments.

 Dissatisfaction with your appearance.

Simple boils can be treated at home, but you should see a doctor if the boils:

 It did not heal within two weeks or reappear.


You can often treat pimples on your own with over-the-counter paints or lotions from the drugstore. Pimple treatment products contain ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide that keep your pores from closing and kill germs on the skin. In the event of severe blisters, the doctor may prescribe stronger medications, such as:

 Antibiotics to kill germs.

 Female hormone regulating contraceptive pills.

 Isotretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A.

If the wart does not respond to any of the previous treatments, your doctor may recommend the following:

 Laser or light therapy to reduce germs on the skin.

 Chemical peeling.

 Drainage and extraction.Your doctor injects the medication into a cyst and then drains it.

Small boils can be treated on your own with a damp, warm towel to finally let the pus drain out of the boil and reduce its size. For the treatment of large boils, the doctor makes a small hole and drains the pus out, and you may need to take antibiotics to treat the infection. Do not try to puncture the boil yourself, as this may lead to a skin injury and scarring.


Medium-sized pimples heal automatically, or you may need to use certain treatments that do not require a doctor's prescription, and severe pimples require more difficult treatment. The appearance of pimples does not affect your skin only, as their widespread and continuous spread may affect your confidence or cause you to feel anxious and depressed.


Within a few days or weeks, most boils will drain, pus will drain from inside, and the lump will gradually disappear. Large boils sometimes leave scars, and rarely the infection spreads deep into the skin, causing blood poisoning.

Prevention of blisters

To avoid the appearance of pimples, wash your face with a mild cleanser twice a day. Keeping your skin clean prevents oils and germs from accumulating inside the pores, but you should not over-wash your face.

Use cosmetics and non-oil skin care products, as these will not clog your pores.

Wash your hair frequently, as the oils formed on the scalp contribute to the spread of pimples, and reduce the use of helmets, headbands and other accessories that put pressure on your scalp for a long time and lead to skin irritation, causing pimples.

To avoid the appearance of boils:

 Never share your personal items, such as razors, towels, and clothing. Unlike pimples, boils are contagious, as you may become infected with an infected person.

 Wash your hands with warm water and soap, so that germs do not transfer onto your skin.

 Clean the open sore and cover them so that germs do not enter them and make you sick.

 Do not pop or scratch the boil, as germs do not spread from inside it.


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